Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors (I’DGO) has been featured in Making the Case for the Social Sciences: Ageing, the second report on the value and impact of research by the Academy of Social Sciences.
Dedicated to research into ageing, and how it supports effective policy making, the report is partnered by AgeUK and the British Society of Gerontology.
Set within the context of recently announced tax changes and public expenditure reductions, its case studies illustrate the growing evidence base on the socio-economic challenges of ageing and how policy can redress wide discrepancies in life expectation, income and health.
Launched at a ministerial event on Tuesday 20th July 2010, “Making the Case…” acknowledges the impact of the built environment on wellbeing and I’DGO’s progress in improving the quality of life of older people through design guidance such as Lifelong Access to Parks and Public Open Spaces.