Woods In and Around Towns (WIAT) – introductory leaflet
In brief: Introduction to our four-year assessment of the effectiveness of Forestry Commission Scotland’s WIAT programme, summarising our aims and methods.
Resource Type: Two-page, full-colour leaflet
Format: FREE pdf download
Publication Date: March 2015 (OPENspace)
Mobility, Mood and Place – introductory leaflet
In brief: Introduction to the Mobility, Mood and Place research project, summarising each of its three topics and providing information on aims, team members, partners and funding.
Resource Type: Four-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour leaflet
Format: FREE pdf download, 4.7MB
Publication Date: July 2014 (OPENspace)
Green space quantity, stress and wellbeing
In brief: Summary of research findings, methodology and policy implications arising from a study of 305 people in three deprived urban communities as part of the GreenHealth research project. Second publication in the Environment and Human Health series.
Resource Type: Four-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour leaflet
Format: FREE pdf download, 1.9MB
Publication Date: October 2013 (Scottish Government / greenspace scotland)
Urban green space and stress
In brief: Summary of research findings, methodology and policy implications arising from a salivary cortisol sampling study of 106 people as part of the GreenHealth research project. Third publication in the Environment and Human Health series.
Resource Type: Four-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour leaflet
Format: FREE pdf download, 1.6MB
Publication Date: October 2013 (Scottish Government / greenspace scotland)
Why does the outdoor environment matter?
In brief: Summary of research findings from both phases of Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors (I’DGO), with key messages and implications for professionals and policy makers.
Resource Type: Four-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour leaflet
Format: FREE pdf download, 1.6MB; hardcopy (on request)
Publication Date: April 2012 (I’DGO)
Going Outdoors: Falls, Ageing & Resilience (Go Far)
In brief: Introductory poster for a pilot project exploring issues around older people, outdoor falls and the design of the built environment. Provides notes on context, work packages and team.
Resource Type: Single page, fully-illustrated, full-colour poster
Format: FREE pdf download, 667KB
Publication Date: December 2011 (Go Far)
Ten years of research excellence in inclusive access to outdoor environments
In brief: Pocket history of OPENspace celebrating the first ten years of the research centre
Resource Type: Two-page booklet with colour photographs, a timeline, list of team members (past and present) and testimonials from clients, funders and collaborators.
Format: FREE pdf download, 940KB; concertina booklet
Publication Date: July 2011 (OPENspace)
Community green: using local spaces to tackle inequality and improve health (research summary)
In brief: Summary document providing the background and methodology to the Community Green study and key findings on the inter-relationship between urban green space, inequality, ethnicity, health and wellbeing.
Resource Type: 12-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour brochure
Format: FREE pdf download, 1.1MB
Publication Date: July 2010 (CABE Space, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment)
A Built Environment for All Ages
In brief: Report on multi-disciplinary KT-EQUAL workshop hosted by OPENspace on behalf of Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors and KT-EQUAL. Summarises keynote presentations and proceedings from break-out sessions exploring what is meant by “a built environment for all ages” and how it impacts on wellbeing, links with policy etc.
Resource Type: Nine-page report
Format: FREE pdf download, 227KB
Publication Date: March 2010 (Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors / KT-EQUAL)
Forest school: evidence for restorative health benefits in young people
In brief: Summary document providing the background and methodology to, and key findings from, a study exploring whether forest settings could offer psychological benefits to adolescents with varying emotional needs.
Resource Type: Four-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour report
Format: FREE pdf download, 644KB
Publication Date: March 2009 (Forestry Commission Scotland / Economic and Social Research Council)
Participation in outdoor recreation by WAG priority groups (Countryside Council for Wales Policy Research Report No. 08/15)
In brief: Dual-language executive summary, plus full, seven-part report, on a systematic review of evidence on participation in outdoor recreation by underrepresented segments of the population. Includes details of background and methodology, a synthesis of results from the systematic review, key findings by category, conclusions and recommendations.
Resource Type: 105-page report with colour diagrams
Format: FREE pdf download, 5.96MB
Publication Date: June 2008 (Countryside Council for Wales)
Places in Cumbria for wildlife and people (Research Information Note)
In brief: Executive summary on research exploring how a range of stakeholder representatives in Cumbria – from health professionals to local businesses and landowners – perceived the value of the natural environment, particularly Local Nature Reserves. Includes key findings, recommendations for action and a note from the client, English Nature.
Resource Type: Two-page pamphlet
Format: FREE pdf download, 131KB
Publication Date: August 2006 (English Nature)
Green and Public Space Research: Mapping and Priorities (research summary)
In brief: Summary document providing the background and methodology to Green and Public Space Research and key findings on both existing and future research into public and green space and gaps yet to be addressed.
Resource Type: Eight-page report
Format: FREE pdf download, 121KB
Publication Date: June 2006 (Department for Communities and Local Government)
Open Space and Social Inclusion: Local Woodland Use in Central Scotland (research summary)
In brief: Executive summary of research into how forests are used and abused by local people in communities in central Scotland and what the design and management implications of this are for forest managers.
Resource Type: 16-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour report
Format: FREE pdf download, 327KB; hardcopy (with full report on CD) on request from Forestry Commission Scotland
Publication Date: May 2004 (Forestry Commission Scotland)
Diversity review – options for implementation (Countryside Agency Research Note CRN75)
In brief: Summary of the aims and key findings of research into how best to implement a full review of the diversity of people accessing and enjoying the countryside. Includes material on: current barriers to access; past and current projects to increase participation in countryside enjoyment; and methods for outreach to under-represented groups.
Resource Type: Four-page pamphlet with colour diagrams
Format: FREE pdf download, 60KB
Publication Date: February 2004 (The Countryside Agency)
Nature for People: The Importance of Green Spaces to East Midlands Communities (executive summary)
In brief: Executive summary on research evaluating how the environment contributes to people’s social well-being and quality of life. Includes summary details of background and methodology, key findings and lessons for planners and managers of green space.
Resource Type: Two-page, fully-illustrated, full-colour pamphlet
Format: FREE pdf download, 91KB
Publication Date: January 2004 (English Nature)