Urban Transitions 2022 conference – Poster presentation by Dr Charlotte Wendelboe-Nelson

OPENspace Research Associate, Dr Charlotte Wendelboe-Nelson, recently presented a poster at the Urban Transitions 2022 conference in Barcelona, Spain. Her poster, ‘Your favourite park is not my favourite park: A participatory geographic information system approach to improve urban green and blue spaces: A case study in Edinburgh, Scotland’ highlighted research work done as part of the project Edinburgh’s Thriving Green Spaces. The poster illustrated a Maptionnaire approach, which was successfully used to obtain information through a public participation process, highlighting the presence of contested spaces in Edinburgh and the need for gender-focused UGBS research to minimise gender-related barriers.

The conference aimed to promote healthy urban development by bringing together different disciplines working within cities. World leading experts on urban and transport planning, architecture, environmental exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, physical activity, climate change, and public health and governance came together to discuss current challenges and solutions.
